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Trinity Fellowship

Tod Anthony – TRINITY Fellowship Pastor

I grew up in southwest Kansas on the family farm while attending school at Satanta, Kansas before attending Garden City Community College for two years, earning my Associates degree in 1980. Then I moved to Manhattan, Kansas and attended Kansas State University where I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Ag Education in 1982. In 1987, with the Lord’s help, I earned a Master’s of Divinity degree from Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. Nearly all my elective seminary classes were in Biblical studies, believing God had specifically called me to proclaim and teach His word to others in love.

In July of 1986, I received my first appointment as a pastor to serve the Hunter and Pleasant View United Methodist Churches. I then served the UMCs of Almena/Long Island, Dighton, WaKeeney/Prairie Home, Lakin/Kendall, and Garden City First, before Leoti. To best uphold God’s word in love (Eph. 4:15), in the fall of 2022 the Leoti UMC and I disaffiliated from the UMC and joined the Global Methodist Church The new church name is TRINITY Fellowship.

I would have been dead at age 17 if God had not miraculously saved me when I was at my worst. I am a redeemed sinner in constant need of the crucified and risen Lord Jesus Christ and His amazing grace. God has blessed me with a precious wife named Elaine, who I met in the summer of 1985 while doing mission work oversees. The Lord has blessed us with four priceless grown-up children, one valuable son-in- law, two precious daughters-in-laws, and two amazing grandsons. My primary hobby is hunting mature big game animals from the ground with a bow.

God’s purpose for me is summarized in Colossians 1:28-29: “It is He (Christ Jesus) we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone in all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil and struggle with all the energy that He powerfully inspires within me.”

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